Monday, September 3, 2012

moving on?

Well hello again, it has been a while since my last post. I have lost 25 lbs. and in all the turmoil, someone came back asking for another chance. I was so happy at first, my prayers had been answered right?? Well at first I was elated, on cloud nine. Here is the man that I love and he is crying to me and telling me how much he loves me, and how stupid he was for ever doubting his love for me. It was everything I had been praying for. But here it is a month later and is it really any better? I mean he's here and he stays home but is he really back? I have done so much self reflecting and I think what it boils down to is I just don't need him anymore. In all the heartache I began to like myself again, and I realized that I deserve so much more than what he is giving me. He makes excuses for his lack of emotion and lack of affection. He tells me he loves me and to stop trying to read into things. But I have to ask the question, if my needs were being met, would I have to constantly ask him for reassurance? Shouldn't I know by his actions how he feels about me? I know we have been married for a long time, but shouldn't he still be affectionate? I also find myself getting angry at him a lot. I am resentful that he didn't have to suffer the hell that I did. He had one day of sadness, I had months. I had a whole month and a half of living with someone that treated me like a piece of garbage, something that was easily thrown aside without a second thought. Now I live with a stranger, someone that could truly care less whether or not he saw me today or not. I think if nothing else, this blog is a form of therapy for me. It seems if I write it down and I can physically see it, I can make sense of it. I think I just answered my own question. He is not in love with me, and maybe I have moved on too.

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