Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Well I have decided that the only way to take back my life is to learn to like myself again. I was constantly told by my dear husband that I was too critical, and mean. I always took that to heart and really tried to self reflect to recognize in myself what was making me such a bad person. All these years I have felt like there was something wrong with me and maybe I was as awful as he stated. I realized over the weekend after having a lengthy yet useless conversation with my husband that he just doesn't like anything about me. I realized at that moment that I am not a terrible person, that I have been letting someone destroy me and then letting them blame me for it. I now see that he is just truly unhappy with himself(though he'l never admit it). I am not saying that I can't be mean or critical, but for some reason we learned to bring out the worst in eachother. How does that happen? We used to tiptoe around eachother to avoid hurting one another, and now we have evolved into eachother's worst enemy. I am beginning to wonder if this happened because we have been together so long that we know eachother's weaknesses, and subconsciously jumped on them. I am still baffled by this whole situation, I just want my life back, without pain and tears.

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