Saturday, July 14, 2012

SO here it is Saturday late AM and my dear husband has said few words to me again. He and my son did mention they were hitting the water park again today...An easy excuse to get away from me for a ten hour stretch. I wonder if his silence is from indifference or perhaps guilt?? I'm not too sure but the silence is deafening. I need to form a plan, but I don't know where to start. I can't move 4 States away to my family, moving my kids again is just too much to ask of them. I can't afford a life on my own, and God knows if we can barely get by together, how the hell will we manage with two places. I keep hoping he will snap out of it and say he loves me, and he needs me, but as days turn to weeks I realize that is not going to be. How can I deal with this and still be a good Mom? I know thousands of women do it everyday, but I'm not them and I don't know how to manage. He has focused ALL his attention on my Son and I feel as though my son would rather be with him. All so heartbreaking, truly heartbreaking. I just need to keep writing, it helps me focus the thoughts spinning in my head. I can somehow clarify it if I write it down...weird.

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